Duck Detectives

Special Agents unleash the Duck Detectives on the Kimkins Case.

It’s a new year, but an old scam! Special Agents unleash the Duck Detectives to head up the Kimkins Case!

Some folks have questioned the reasoning behind so many “duck” avatars on LCF. This might help explain things a bit.

From The TRUTH –

Kimmer wrote:

I’m naturally suspicious of anyone with a “duck” avatar.

   So the Kimkins Detectives happily adopted the Duck persona 

at Heidi’s very OWN suggestion!

 Personally, wouldn’t you prefer to be called a “Duck Detective” rather than a Hater?  Not that I don’t hate what she’s doing to people, but still.

For more on the history of the Kimkins Case.

For what Heidi has to say about it, read In Heidi’s Own Words.

Check out this post for more information on the Kimkins Cult Mentality.


Say No to Kimkins!



A Disaster Waiting To Happen

Unfortunately, as is the case with many new adventures, the maiden voyage of the HMS Kimtanic was destined from the beginning to be a disaster waiting to happen.

All of the necessary ingredients were easily assembled by the captain of this doomed vessel. A diet fraught with dangerous components, mixed generously with untruths and fabrications, stirred gently and plastered all over the Internet, was very tempting bait for the unsuspecting, well intentioned victims.

As the ship left port, a few whispered questions were shared amongst the passengers about the true identity of their captain.  Folks on either side of the ocean expressed their concerns with each other, anxious over the safety of all those aboard the HMS Kimtanic.  But what could be done to save the innocent souls on board?

Battling Kimkins, like battling a forest fire, requires determination and skill: Enter the DUCK Detectives.